Taiwan Institute of Artificial Intelligence

APRC 2018 AI Taiwan 臺灣人工智慧論壇

本論壇由亞洲國家中重點市場調查組織組成,亞太研究委員會(APRC)於2009年4月成立,APRC現在被定位為在亞太地區協會和社團之間交流有關行銷研究和相關行業的訊息和知識的主要網絡,本次主題方向為AI、Big Data與Market Research為主,雖是AI應用論壇,但確是亞洲重要的Market research年會!

APRC共11個會員國 (於大會組織中,每年由各會員國舉辦,今年2018年在台灣舉行。

Market Research in AI Transformation

The 10th APRC Taiwan Conference seeking to leap forwards the AI future and to reveals a new chapter of market research sector.

Join with the Asia Pacific region top AI insights influencers and network with business leaders, for two days challenging learning of the latest industry intelligence. We are line-up with expertise and academic giant to provide interesting AI implication perspectives. Welcome all the members to participate in 2018 APRC annual events!

APRC Taiwan Conference is held in co-organize with CMRS (ChungHwa Market Research Society, Taiwan)



個人會員費: 每年新台幣壹仟元。
團體會員費: 每年新台幣壹萬元。
學生會員費: 每年新台幣貳佰元。
永久會員費: 個人會員或團體會員應一次繳納十年會費,則可成為永久會員。

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